A financial plan that covers everything your money touches.

You work hard for your money. You deserve a financial plan — and a financial advisor — that works hard for you.

At Fully, we look at your full financial life and get to know what matters to you — your goals, your values, and your passions. With this in mind, we implement our carefully designed process to curate a personalized game plan, so you’ll be prepared for the future while also enjoying your money guilt-free today.

Ben Jacobs and Cody Nichelson sitting at a conference room table, meeting with a client.

Retirement Planning

Retirement is a big piece of your financial plan. At Fully, we’ll help you create a personalized plan to achieve financial independence in a way that aligns with your goals. 

In addition to finding optimal ways to save for retirement, we will incorporate dynamic withdrawal strategies to reduce taxes and maximize your retirement income — keeping more of your hard-earned savings where they belong: with you.

We will also evaluate other key financial factors to optimize your plan, including Roth conversion opportunities, pension management, Social Security benefits, Medicare strategies, charitable giving, Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), and more.

Bottom Line

With effective retirement planning, you can achieve financial security and independence without sacrificing your quality of life or diminishing your standard of living.

Investment Management

Our investment strategy starts with you. We’ll build and implement a personalized and tax-efficient investment portfolio that considers your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance.

Using an evidence- and research-based approach, we’ll organize, consolidate, and optimize your portfolio. Our strategic asset allocation will help minimize your lifetime taxation while achieving broad diversification with exchange-traded funds and other low-cost investment options. 

Because we’re an independent and fee-only firm, we have access to the entire universe of investment options, which can help minimize the underlying costs of funds and maximize your return potential.

Although we use a long-term investing philosophy, our portfolios are not static. Beyond building a tailored, values-based, and risk-appropriate strategy, we go to work fully implementing and managing your investments. That means daily monitoring, full performance reporting, dynamic rebalancing, managing contributions and distributions, strategic tax-loss harvesting, and adjusting your portfolio as your life changes over time.

Unlike many financial advisors, we help manage our clients’ employer-sponsored 401(k) plans and other retirement accounts. When it comes to financial planning and investment management, we believe in seeing the full picture, and these accounts can sometimes be the lion’s share of someone’s retirement savings.

At Fully, our primary custodian is Charles Schwab. Through Schwab Alliance and our portfolio management tool, you’ll always have full access and visibility to your portfolio and performance. And if you have any questions, we’re here to help break it all down for you, so you can rest easy knowing your portfolio is in good hands and working for you.

Bottom Line

With effective investment portfolio design and implementation, you can execute a strategy that minimizes your lifetime taxation and maximizes your investment returns — all without over-exposure to unnecessary risks.

Cash Flow + Debt

Cash flow management helps bring clarity to your spending and savings, so you can see the full picture of your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. This process helps you understand how much you can afford and how much you actually need to save to stay on track for short-term and long-term goals.

At Fully, our primary objective with cash flow management is to make sure your spending and savings reflect your values so you can live the life you want to live. By seeing exactly what you’re spending (and what you’re not), you can better recognize opportunities to redirect your spending, reduce your expenses, or increase your savings.

Cash flow management can be beneficial for both over-spenders and frugal planners. For over-spenders, it can help reign things in and get on the right track to meet their goals. For over-savers (yes, there is such a thing!), it can help reduce anxiety around spending money. So instead of unnecessarily stashing away every penny for years and years, they can enjoy their hard-earned money today.

Through this process, we will map out any debt you have and prioritize it based on interest rates, minimum payments, and total balance, so you can maximize your long-term earnings.

We will also evaluate short-term goals for cash reserves and emergency savings. Fully clients have options for earning more interest on money set aside for spending that may happen within the next few years. These options are currently yielding more than typical bank savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), and money market accounts. Plus, you can withdraw your money at any time with no penalties. 

Other cash flow planning areas include healthcare, workplace benefits, emergency fund savings, credit protection, and mortgage and auto loans.

Bottom Line

With effective cash flow management, you can fully plan for short-term and long-term goals and needs while maximizing your probability of financial success — all the while ensuring your spending and saving actually reflect your values.

Tax Planning

For many people, taxes are among the largest expenses they will pay over their lifetimes. A lot of them end up overpaying because they don’t know about the full range of tax optimizations.

At Fully, everything we do is done through the lens of minimizing your lifetime tax liability. From annual tax return analysis to investment asset allocation strategies, we will evaluate and find tax reduction opportunities related to your portfolio and income, even as they change over time.

By pulling different levers based on your specific situation, we can curate tax-efficient investments for your portfolio, identify tax-advantaged accounts that are right for you, and outline charitable gifting strategies and other tactics to help minimize your lifetime taxation — keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket, where it belongs.

We’ll also work hand-in-hand with your accountant to make sure they’re fully aware of your situation and the planning strategies we’re implementing to minimize your tax liabilities.

Bottom Line

The amount of taxes you pay can really add up over your lifetime. With effective tax planning, you won’t end up paying more than your fair share. By minimizing your tax bills, you’ll be able to save more, invest more, and, ultimately, spend more of your hard-earned money.

Risk Management + Net Worth Protection

As your life evolves, it’s important to make sure you and your assets are properly protected. That doesn’t always mean you need more insurance. In fact, we often see that people are over-insured and spending a lot of money on unnecessary coverage.

We’ll do a full analysis of your risk management needs to make sure you are properly covered based on your specific goals, situation, and needs. Some of the policies we evaluate include: home insurance, auto insurance, long-term care insurance, life insurance, umbrella insurance, business risk management, disability coverage, and annuities. 

Because we are a fee-only financial planning firm, we don’t sell any products (like insurance policies) or accept commissions for insurance referrals. You can be sure that when we make a recommendation related to insurance coverage, it’s because we truly believe it is in your best interest.

Bottom Line

Risk management strategies like insurance can help make sure you, your assets, and your loved ones are adequately protected for whatever life throws at you. We’ll help ensure you have the coverage you need without overpaying for unnecessary policies.

Education Planning + Funding

Whether you’re saving to pay for education expenses for your children, your grandchildren, or yourself, there are opportunities available to reduce taxes and potentially reach your goals more efficiently.

We’ll do a complete analysis of your education planning goals and needs to identify the most optimal way to save and pay for education-related expenses.

This can include adjustments to your cash flow plan, establishing and maintaining a tax-advantaged 529 Plan, identifying tax-savings opportunities and deductions for your annual tax return, and more.

Bottom Line

The cost of education continues to climb. If planning for education funding is important to you, an effective strategy can help you reach your goals more efficiently with thoughtful savings plans and a lower tax liability.

Estate Planning

You’ve worked hard for what you have. You deserve to have your estate executed in a way that truly aligns with your values and your wishes.

As your fiduciary financial planner, we will work hand-in-hand with you and your estate attorney to fully understand your estate plan and make sure your wishes are honored. 

Along the way, we’ll explore and explain all of the ways to make that process as easy and as smooth as possible, including strategies for minimizing estate and gift taxes, reviewing and updating beneficiaries on your financial accounts, fulfilling philanthropic plans, and assisting with business succession planning.

Bottom Line

Your legacy is yours. It should be left up to you how your assets and estate are managed. We’ll help you prepare for this and see it through, while minimizing the potential for probate court proceedings that could tie up your estate for years.

Ongoing Financial Advice

We’re here for you at every turn. We get it: life happens. Any time you're evaluating a decision — whether it’s a short-term need, potential idea, or newfound dream — we’re here to help assess your options and provide unbiased recommendations for optimal outcomes.

Throughout your life, you’ll meet milestones, reach your goals, and set new ones. As your life changes, your Fully plan will change, too. We’ll be here adjust your financial plan and make sure it always reflects your current situation.

Once we complete the foundational work of developing your investment strategy and comprehensive plan, we'll continue monitoring, implementing, and optimizing all areas of your financial life — helping ensure problems are prevented and opportunities aren't missed.

Bottom Line

When working with a financial planner, you should be able to get answers to your questions as they come up, not once or twice a year during formalized meetings. As your trusted partner, we’re here to provide unlimited, ongoing advice, so you can continue to achieve optimal outcomes and take the guesswork out of your financial decisions.

Take the first step to living fully.
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